Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My photo op stand-in

I have a great friend who runs a haunted house and a corn maze each fall.  I volunteered to help paint some things for her.  I was excited to do this for a few reasons. 
1.  Its always a great experience to help someone. 
2.  It would allow me to paint something I've never done before. 
3.  It would allow me to paint on a scale I've never done before. 
4.  It would allow me to work with someone to decide on a concept together and then help make our joint vision become reality. (As opposed to me painting my usual subjects.)

We decided it would be fun to have one of those photo-stand in's for visitors to take pictures with.  I brainstormed a few ideas and did some rough sketching.  After some consultation, we decided to do a farmer and his horse peeking out from a barn door.  She bought me a huge sheet of plywood, tons of paint and left me to it.  I sketched in the design and then left the cutting out to the "head holes" to someone else.  I can't be trusted with power tools!  In the picture below, the area above the roof still needs to be cut off, but the rest is the final project.  This was really fun and challenging for me and I'm pretty happy with the results. 
I also helped paint in the haunted house.  The moon and the owl eyes are black light responsive, and also glow in the dark.  This passageway also has many bolts of lightning as you walk through.  It was fun to work on this room as everything is so huge!  I have to admit to freaking myself out while painting in the haunted house.  My friend left so I was in there alone and although the lights were on, it was still pretty spooky.  Especially when the wind would blow the plastic that hangs throughtout the maze like house and make sounds like someone was in there with me.  It was really spooky when I was painting near one of the blind corners and I kept hearing things.  No one can ever accuse me as to having an underactive imagination.  They can call me a scardy-cat, but not unimaginative!
Thanks so much for stopping by.


  1. Love these.. too cool..especially the owl.. think I would like to try painting on this scale sometime..
    Just wanted to let you know too that I gave you an award.. you can check it out on mine.. no worries if you don't do them...

  2. How fun to go beyond your norm this way!! I bet your friend was just thrilled that you were helping her, too!

    Wonderful job :)


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