Saturday, January 22, 2011

Gratitude box


I’m participating in the Mystery Mentor program put on by Artella.  It has been lots of fun getting uplifting messages of comfort and support from my mentor, and equally fun to send encouragement out to the person I’m supporting for the month.  (Actually, I’m hoping to continue these buds of friendship way past January, but that’s because of how cool I think they both are!) 

My mentee chose the word Gratitude for 2011.  We were to do at least one thing through snail mail as part of our commitment to the project.  I decided to make a gratitude box where she could write down the many things in her life that she is thankful for.  I thought that on down days, she could open the box and be reminded of the plethora of good that surrounds her, and hopefully be uplifted by reading them. 

I haven’t heard that the box has arrived at its destination yet, but I sure hope she likes the small gift.

I’m off to run errands soon and then I’m spending the evening with my mom, sister and niece for a girls night.  I hope you have a lovely weekend.

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